
Thank You to Our Contributors!

If someone had told us a year ago that we would be pivoting our lives and taking on a new business venture, I think we would have had a good laugh.  Yet through all the crazy days in the past year, we emerged thinking we wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Being a mother-daughter team, we have had a lot of ability to pull together our strength and our passion.  Krystina has a technology background and Lynn has a strong business and operational background.  We know that together we have a unique talent set.  When COVID first hit, it was an opportunity to launch a product while we were “just sitting around during lockdown”. 

Oh, how wrong we were!

Now, about 10 months later, we have so much to be grateful for. We have met some AMAZING and incredibly talented people from Victoria to Nova Scotia, immersed ourselves in an industry we are both passionate about, fed our own need for growth and development. The cookbook wasn’t perfect, but it did accomplish a lot.  We can honestly say we had opportunities this year we never would have gotten had you not come on this journey with us.

From the bottom of our hearts…..thank you.  So much.  We are so grateful for those that entered our path this year, and we sincerely hope you benefited as much as we did.  At the very least, you can officially claim “you are published”!

Now, what does next year bring?  We have been brainstorming what we can do.  We loved the cookbook, but we also saw the faults.  We put almost 4000 into circulation in the public, but we think that we can do more.  Through a lot of brainstorming and some honest self taught about being in business together, a new idea has been born.

We realized very quickly, though, that we had to change the way it worked and how it looks. We needed to bring some people along the way with us; we needed some great holistic nutrition professionals.  Through that realization a new tentative business plan has been formed and we are now recruiting people that want to go on a crazy journey of technology, phone apps, and manufacturing.  This year, we are looking to make this another amazing year and find the best of the best in nutrition to make our industry so much better and have so many more revenue opportunities for everyone.

Although 2020 has now gone, it left behind the template for all of us to excel in our career in an heart centered industry that can truly help others and leave a mark on the world in a positive way.  The world needs a bit of positivity and people are looking for health in every corner.

Thank you for being part of our 2020.

Lynn & Krystina


Ps – We really could use your opinion and thoughts on the calendar.  Please take a moment and give us some feedback at this link:

Cookbook Contributor Feedback Survey

The ReKnew Team

Lynn Gagne

There is never enough time to learn everything I want to know.

That is my goal in life; to keep learning.  From the time I was young, I always wanted to know how things worked and that need for growth has spurred me on to do many businesses in my life.  From a dayspa, massage therapy clinic, international logistics, warehouse management, accounting, bookkeeping and taxes and now a holistic nutrition school, my past of business management and ownership has been very diverse.  I have a Business Administration Diploma and am a Certified Professional Bookkeeper as well as a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant.  Life after 50 isn’t so bad after all.  I know I will keep learning and finding new opportunities to use my skills to give back to help the world be a better place and help people become better versions of themselves.

Favorite business quote:  “Fall out of love with yourself and fall in love with your customer and watch the magic happen”.  Tony Robbins

I love spending my life falling in love with my customers and trying to figure out what they need.  It truly is magic.

Krystina Gagne-Webb

I am so incredibly passionate about starting new ventures. I’ve never been the type of person with a hobby, I am constantly just learning something new.

I currently work as a Business Intelligence Consultant at a software development company. Fun fact about me – My dream is to own an Artificial Intelligence company developing technologies for regenerative agriculture or to become a Genomic Data Scientist! I have a passion for technologies that bridge the gap between business and nutrition/health.

My favourite part about this 2021 Calendar project was the collaboration between so many different people. I got to speak with SO many nutrition consultants across Canada and manufacture something that published all of your names in it. I can’t wait to work with some of you in our upcoming projects!

New Things Coming in 2021

We have some amazing ideas to continue to contribute to the holistic nutrition industry.  While planning, we realized that we needed to hear from the people that would use the tools.

A cookbook was great, but we think there could be so much more!

We want to form an advisory board of about 6 people from across Canada.  This advisory board is intended to be the professionals that we can ask questions about the needs of our industry.

As an advisor, you can get a front row seat!  Be the first to give your opinion on new products!  Help us design a new product, try it out, give feedback.  There is so much more that we can do as a team.

 If you are interested in becoming a member, please reach out to us at hello@reknew.ca